Monday, April 07, 2008

Key Learnings: Drawing parallals between Design Patterns and the priniciples of SOA

In looking through some of the Object Oriented Design Patterns, I found a curious parallal between the goals of some of the "Structural Patterns" and "Creational Patterns" and those of SOA.

The following are the two key principles that are most striking:
Principle 1: provide a clean interface or an entry point and hide all of the details from the caller
Principle 2: provide a layer of indirection between the interface and that of the implementation

It is interesting to see how these "design level" goals re-appear in the realm of architecture with changes only to the scale of applicability.

Principle 1 is supported by design patterns such as Facade, Abstract Factory, Builder and the Factory. Facade hides the behavioral details of the implementation while the others hide details of the details of the creation of a resource or assembly of a resource as in the case of "Builder".

Priniciple 2 is supported by the Bridge pattern that allows the plugging and replacing of any implementation long as the interface is supported.

The idea is not to arrive at a comprehensive mapping of the principles and design patterns but just to do enough to lend support for the core theme being presented here. This leads to only one conclusion, SOA does not preclude the use of good OOAD techniques. SOA just takes these concepts further into the realm of business architecture and business analysis to insure reusability and enterprise wide applicability of the IT asset, in this case a "service". SOA also has been lent support by the standardization of platform agnostic protocols and message model (such as SOAP/ HTTP) and the use of canonical business models (such as XML Schema backed XML).

Your comments are invaluable.
surekha -

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